We deliver sustainable projects with compassion, transparency, & accountability.
“Our Values”
We prioritize projects that will benefit large numbers of socially or economically disadvantaged youth, women, refugees, or other marginalized groups.
We rigorously test our assumptions to prove the affordability and long-term sustainability of each project design before moving forward with any client. Affordability for all parties is essential.
We exclusively work with parties that understand the concept of a fair risk-adjusted return, which ensures all parties feel that they are being treated equally.
We use independent, third party auditing firms early-on in due-diligence to verify projections and affordability metrics to ensure a project remains on track with project cost estimates.
We share the major assumptions involved in project design specifications to help clients understand the opportunities and risks of implementation.
We work closely with our partners to achieve the goals and outcomes that will genuinely support their mission. There is no them and us.
Take a long-term view of success, don't seek quick gains. These projects aren’t easy. Respect that all parties need the time to build trust and a level of comfort with each other.