We deliver sustainable projects with compassion, transparency, & accountability.
Millions of qualified college applicants are rejected each year due to lack of beds on campus. Our long-term investment horizon, mixed-use planning, and advantageous financing enable facilities to be constructed faster and at lower cost than what universities can achieve on their own.
Dynamic learning environments—including mixed-use campuses—have been shown to improve happiness and success among students. Commercial facilities also help finance dormitories, ensuring attractive commercial returns for investors and affordability for students.
Classrooms across Africa are over crowded and often poorly maintained. We provide a private-market solution for universities to expand classroom infrastructure to ensure that new facilities are built to last, properly maintained, and capable of accommodating burgeoning demand.
We bring together private investors, foundations, NGOs, local governments, universities, and multilateral and bilateral insurers to ensure that project risk is efficiently managed across multiple parties
We ensure affordable financing and strong returns through creative deal structures and tools that enhance credit worthiness.
Our expertise in mixed-use development reduces cost and risk while helping to catalyze urban revitalization.
Our approach balances affordability and urban renewal, emphasizing compatibility with municipal revitalization strategies.
Our unique strategy is made possible only by our team. Our entrepreneurial spirit is matched only by our decades of experience.